There are a couple of "supermarket deserts" in Manhattan ( to say nothing of the Bronx)--
So many people go to Whole Foods now and also to Trader Joe's and stock up on items..and of course, Manhattanites especially are known for dining out instead of slaving over hot stoves in the tiny kitchens of their tiny apartments ( unless they have one of the Grand apartments with servants etc.--or a nice little five floor townhouse).
Let me see if anyone has written about the situation lately ( maybe nothing very recent, it has been this way for years)...
Well, I will save you the long, academic Wikipedia article about the supermarket shortage in American cities generally and just give you a story from a West Side blog
Posted on April 4, 2013 at 11:01 am by West Sider
Food City, the supermarket on 94th street and Columbus Avenue, will close at the end of the month, a manager told us. It’s at least the fourth Upper West Side supermarket to close in a little over a year. In particular, supermarkets that serve middle class shoppers seem to be closing, said one of our readers.
“[If it does close], we lose the last low/middle income supermarket in the immediate area. Just Whole foods or D’Agostino nearby. To get to Ctown, you have to go to Amsterdam about 96th,” Barbara wrote.
In a little over a year, Associated Supermarket, Gourmet Garage, Food Emporium and now Food City have closed or announced they were closing. In that time, a Westside Market (and several 7-Elevens) have opened.
The store manager said that the closure had something to do with the lease, but wasn’t sure of the specifics.
Thanks to everyone who sent in tips.
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