He is probably right, because the richer and more speculative parts of the business community have benefited most from Bloomberg and are terrified of his tax proposals as only rich people can be by the suggestion that they pay a little more.
This again from local Public Radio
Business Community: If Elected, Would de Blasio's Actions Match His Rhetoric?
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
00:00 / 00:00
Bill de Blasio’s fight-for-the-little-guy platform includes higher taxes on New Yorkers earning over half a million dollars a year, ending tax breaks for corporations, and spending more on social programs. So: is big business scared?
Kathy Wylde, president of the Partnership for New York City, says some people in business are troubled by his proposals on taxes, but many are ready to get to know him better. After all, she said, "Most of the people in the business world do not know Bill de Blasio except from his public presentation."But others say that his proposed income tax hike on the wealthy might drive business owners and others out of the city.
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