This article from the New Yorker is a little technical but has good points to make
September 16, 2013
The Uneven Economic Recovery: Eleven Things We’ve Learned and Six Charts
On a day when President Obama talked about the economy and the financial system five years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, it’s worth being reminded about what has transpired in those years, taking into account the many revisions that have been made to the official statistics since that fateful day in September, 2008. For ease of exposition, I’ll list them individually.
1. The recession started before Wall Street went ape. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the contraction began in December of 2007, three months before Bear Stearns had to be rescued, and ten months before Lehman’s demise. What precipitated the recession was the burst of the real-estate bubble, not the troubles on Wall Street. (Of course, the two were connected, and what happened on Wall Street did make things a lot worse.)
2. The Great Recession was indeed great. At eighteen months—from December, 2007, to June, 2009—it was the longest period of economic contraction since the Great Depression. (That humdinger lasted forty-three months, from August, 1929, to March, 1933.) During the recession, the gross domestic product, which usually grows by about 2.5 per cent a year—driven by population growth, capital investment, and technical progress—fell by more than five per cent. That’s about twice as much as output declined during the recession of 1981-1982, which was the second-deepest recession in the postwar era.
4. The “recovery,” which began in July of 2009, is more than four years old—fifty-one months, to be precise. In historical terms, it is already getting a bit long in the tooth. Since 1945, the average period of expansion has been fifty-eight months. That doesn’t mean we are due for another recession; the economy doesn’t work like that. But it does highlight how long we’ve been stuck in a period of subpar growth. By this stage, we should be talking about a normal “expansion” rather than a recovery.
5. Relative to previous recoveries, this one has been weak pretty much however you look at it. Output, employment, corporate investment, and wages all have grown more slowly than they usually do in an economy rebounding from a recession, especially a deep one. Basically, we’ve been stuck with G.D.P. growth of two to two and a half per cent, which is enough to generate modest employment growth but not to raise the percentage of the population that is working, which is the best measure of over-all conditions in the labor market. Since the fall of 2009, the employment-to-population ratio has been stuck at around 58.5 per cent, which is four to five percentage points below its pre-recession level.
6. As I’ve pointed out many times before, a decline in the labor participation rate has exaggerated the fall in the unemployment rate. To be classified as unemployed by the Labor Department, a person has to be actively looking for work. The jobless who get discouraged and stop applying for employment aren’t counted. The labor force participation rate fell to 63.2 per cent last month; it was sixty-six per cent in December, 2007.
9. Most Americans haven’t seen their wages and incomes rise by anything like fifty per cent. In fact, median household income—the income of the family in the middle of the income distribution—is still well below its pre-recession level. According to a study by two former Census Bureau officials, in December, 2007, the median household income was $55,500. In June of this year, after adjusting for inflation, it was $52,100—a decline of about six per cent.
10. Apart from corporations, the other big winners during the recovery have been people with considerable holdings in the stock market. In March, 2009, a few months before the recovery began, the Dow fell below 6,630. Today, it stands above 15,300, a rise of about a hundred and thirty per cent. That translates into a gain in over-all household wealth of about seven trillion dollars. Since the richest ten per cent of American households own about ninety per cent of stocks, most of this vast sum has ended up in the accounts of the already wealthy.
Photograph by Andrew Harrer/Bloomberg/Getty. Charts by the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and The New Yorker.
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